
Thursday, May 23, 2013

End of School and Sunny Season List

     So yay! It's almost the end of school which means it's the time for lazing around in the hot summer day in my pajamas and a cup of green tea and just chilling (literally.. if you want to look at it that way.) It's just 2 weeks away although it's not all that great because the last days of school are semester exams so there's that (darn it.) But nonetheless it's finally here! :)

This also means that I'll be a junior next year which just seems SO weird! It felt like yesterday that I was in 6th grade thinking that high school was miles away.

     However, as much as I love summer vacation it always seems to lose its grasp on me during the middle because you can never find anything to do! I end up just sitting on the couch watching TV or in my room on the computer or just staring at some wall. (That last one isn't entertaining at all.) So this year, I have made Summer Vows. What are Summer Vows you ask? Well, it's just as it sounds, you idiot!

Hmm.. but it sounds like a cheap romantic movie so let me change that...Blazing Season Promises... Hot Vows (ew.) Wonderful Summer Season Agreement.. Hot topics... Ah~! How about Sunny Season List?

Okay! (Phew~!) Hey! You should make one too so you don't have to laze around in the heat as well. Here's what it should look like:

1. Go to a water park.
2. Make ice cream.
3. Bake something like cupcakes and brownies and cake so you can get fat over the summer.
4. Go somewhere like the beach or something.
5. Read
6. studying for ACT/SAT (gahh.. do I have to?!)
7. Draw stuff.
8. Shop til' you drop!
9. Get your permit! :D
10. Actually USE the collection of nailpolish you have lying in you drawer.
11. Bake cupcakes.. (did I say this already?)
12. Ehtucuh, ehtuhcuh etuchuh... (etc. etc. etc..) Any way you get the point. Quite simple.

So I hope to be productive this summer and I think this list nailed it don't you?
Anyway I'll talk later!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I am so dang close to my second AP exam. How exciting?
My first one was AP art but that wasn't that bad since we only had to submit an online portfolio of all the artwork we did this whole year.
My second exam is AP Biology and I should probably be studying that right now but whatever.
Like I mentioned before.. I am really sick of studying and I want to fall into eternal sleep and just dream. I guess like a coma. (Hmm.. doesn't sound that great anymore.)

Another thing that is so close (yet SO far away!) is summer vacation and I'm hopelessly waiting for the beaches and the smell of suntan lotion and even the hot weather. Hope it gets here soon!
Just so close!